Privacy of our clients and visitors is a top priority for me. We take the security of online transactions very seriously. To improve our service to you and to help you understand how we use your information on our website, we have explained our privacy policy below.

Information we gather

We believe it’s essential for you to know what kinds of information we gather when you use our site. The information we collect could include your email address, name or business name, street address, Post code, City, Country and Phone Number. This information is gathered by us in a variety of ways. We use cookies first to collect and aggregate anonyme information about users. The information you give us is personally identifiable. For instance, your bank account or credit card number. The data is specific to you.

Use of Information

Do not fill in the same details twice.

You can quickly find information about services, products, and information.

Help us develop the content you are most interested in on this site.

Alert you to the latest information, products, and services that we provide.

Ordering and registration:

We will ask you for your name and address (shipping, billing, and email) and credit card, and phone number during registration. We might ask you to provide your country so that we can comply with laws and regulations. Additionally, you may be asked for your gender. This type of information is used to bill you, fulfill your orders, and to communicate with you customers regarding their order or our website. If we encounter problems when making your purchase, we may use the personal information we have received from you to contact you.

Email Addresses

Join our newsletter to receive great deals. Participation in contests is completely voluntary and you can decide whether or not to disclose your information.

3. Privacy Protection

We will not trade or rent (or rent or trade) personally identifiable information to other companies in the normal course of business. We use the most recent encryption technologies, and our employees must agree to confidentiality agreements that prohibit any disclosure to any person or entity, information to which they have had access.

What kind of emails do you send to your customer?

You may receive the following email contents from us:

Weekly deal, Transaction mail, Promotion and Activity.

Email Newsletters and promotions

It is through email that we communicate news, announcements, and other information with our members. By clicking the unsubscribe link on the email will eliminate you from our mailing list at no any cost.

How can I stop receiving the newsletter?

You can opt out of receiving emails after you log in by clicking the link that appears on every email newsletter.